Preventive Couples Therapy

These couples are proactive and excited to grow and to improve. Together we work to improve communications, explore personal values, uncover past vulnerabilities and ongoing fears that may be impairing the relationship. In the process, couples map out and a valued life direction in a shared meaning for the relationship.  

Premarital Therapy

Premarital Counseling is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage. Premarital counseling can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship. This kind of therapy can also help you identify weaknesses, that could become problems during the marriage.

Why is it done:

Premarital Counseling can help couples improve relationships before marriage. You will be encouraged by topics related to marriage such as:

  • Boundaries- Personal | Relational | Professional
  • Communication
  • Beliefs and Values
  • Emotional Connection
  • Intimacy/Sex
  • Desire to have children
  • Family relationships
  • Decision making (Uniliteral vs Shared)
  • Expressing disappointment | Anger
  • Time spent together
  • Finances

In the best world, premarital counseling helps individuals improve their ability to communicate, set realistic expectations for the marriage and develop conflict resolution skills. In addition, premarital counseling can help couples establish a positive attitude and an “open door” approach towards seeking help down the road.

(847) 910-2077

Oak Brook

1010 Jorie Blvd
Suite 102
Oak Brook, IL 60523

Arlington Heights

415 W Golf Rd
Suite 4
Arlington Heights, IL 60005

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